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P. P. Matus, B. D. Utebaev. Monotone difference schemes of higher accuracy for parabolic equations // Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2020, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 391-398 (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.29235/1561-8323-2020-64-4-391-39
P. P. Matus, H.T.K. Anh. Compact difference schemes for Klein-Gordon equa-tion // Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2020, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 526-533 (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.29235/1561-8323-2020-64-5-526-533
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- Matus P., and Lemeshevsky S.V. (2009) Stability and monotonicity of difference schemes for nonlinear scalar conservation laws and multidimensional quasi-linear parabolic equations Comput. Method Appl. Math. 9(3): 253 - 280.
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- Matus, P.P. (2010) Stability with respect to the initial data and monotonicity of an implicit difference scheme for a homogeneous porous medium equation with a quadratic nonlinearity Differ. Equ. 46, No. 7, 1019-1029 (in English); translation from Differ. Uravn. 46, No. 7, 1011-1021 (2010).
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- S. Lemeshevsky, P. Matus, D. Poliakov Exact finite-difference schemes. De Gruyter. – 2016, 243 p.
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- Vabishchevich, P.N., Matus, P.P., and Shcheglik, V.S. (1994) Operator-difference equations of divergent type. Differents. Uravneniya, 30(7): 1175-1186. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 30(7): 1088-1100.
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- Jovanovich, B.S. and Matus, P.P. (2001) Strong stability of operator-differential equations and operator-difference schemes in norms integral with respect to time. Differents. Uravneniya, 37(7): 950-958. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 37(7): 998-1008.
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- Jovanovich, B.S. and Matus, P.P. (2003) Asymptotic Stability of First- and Second-Order Operator-Differential Equations Differents. Uravneniya, 39(3): 383-392. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 39(3): 414-425.
- Bojovich, D.R., Jovanovich, B.S. and Matus, P.P. (2004) On the strong stability of first-order operator-differential equations. Differents. Uravneniya, 40(5): 655-661. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 40(5): 703-710.
- Lemeshevskii, S.V., Matus, P.P. and Naumovich, A.R. (2004) A criterion for coefficient stability. Differents. Uravneniya, 40(7): 978-984. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 40(7): 1043-1050.
- Jovanovich, B., Lemeshevsky, B., Matus, P. and Vabishchevich, P.N. (2006) Stability of solutions of differential-operator and operator-difference equations in the sense of perturbation of operators. Comp. Meth. Appl. Math., 6(3): 269-290.
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- Mazhukin, V.I., Matus, P.P., and Mikhailyuk, I.A. (2000) Finite-difference schemes for the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Differents. Uravneniya, 36(5): 709-716. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 36(5): 789-797.
- Samarskii A.A., Matus, P.P., and Vabishchevich, P.N., (2002) Difference schemes with operator factors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 384 p.
- Vabishchevich, P.N., Lemeshevskij, S.V., and Matus, P.P. (1998) Difference schemes for the problem of fusing hyperbolic and parabolic equations. Sib. Mat. Zh., 39(4): 854-962. (in Russian); transl. in Sib. Math. J., 39(4): 825-834.
- Samarskii, A.A., Korzyuk, V.I., Lemeshevskij, S.V., and Matus, P.P. (1998) Difference schemes for the conjugation problem of a hyperbolic and a parabolic equation on moving grids. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 361(3): 321-324. (in Russian); transl. in Dokl. Math., 58(1): 74-77.
- Korzyuk, V.I., Lemeshevsky, S.V., and Matus, P.P. (1999) Conjugation problem about jointly separate flow of viscoelastic and viscous fluids in the plane duct. Math. Model. and Analys. (MMA), 4: 114-123.
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- Matus, P. (2002) Monotone schemes of a higher order of accuracy for differential problems with boundary conditions of the second and third kind. Comp. Meth. Appl. Math, 2(4): 378-391.
- Matus, P. and Martsynkevich, G. (2004) Monotone and economical difference schemes on non-uniform grids for multidimensional parabolic equations with boundary conditions of the third kind. Comp. Meth. Appl. Math, 4(3): 350-367.
- Matus P. P., Tuyen Vo Thi Kim, Gaspar F. Monotone difference schemes for lin-ear parabolic equations with mixed boundary conditions // Doklady of the Na-tional academy of science of Belarus. – 2014. – V. 58, No. 5, P. 18–22
- F.J. Gaspar, F.J. Lisbona, P. Matus, V.T.K. Tuyen Numerical methods for a one-dimensional non-linear Biot’s model // Journal of Computational and Ap-plied Mathematics. –2016. – V. 293, February 2016, P. 62 –72
- F.J. Gaspar, F.J. Lisbona, P. Matus, V.T.K. Tuyen Monotone finite difference schemes for quasilinear parabolic problems with mixed boundary conditions // Comp. Meth. Appl. Math. –2016. – Vol. 16. – No. 2. –P. 231-243.
- Jovanovich, B., Lemeshevsky, B., and Matus, P. (2002) On the stability of differential-operator equations and operator-difference schemes Comp. Meth. Appl. Math., 2(2): 153-170.
- Jovanovich, B.S. and Matus, P.P. (2003) Asymptotic Stability of First- and Second-Order Operator-Differential Equations Differents. Uravneniya, 39(3): 383-392. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 39(3): 414-425.
- Matus P., and Lemeshevsky S.V. (2009) Stability and monotonicity of difference schemes for nonlinear scalar conservation laws and multidimensional quasi-linear parabolic equations Comput. Method Appl. Math. 9(3): 253 - 280.
- Matus, P.P. (2010) Stability with respect to the initial data and monotonicity of an implicit difference scheme for a homogeneous porous medium equation with a quadratic nonlinearity Differ. Equ. 46, No. 7, 1019-1029 (in English); translation from Differ. Uravn. 46, No. 7, 1011-1021 (2010).
- Matus, P.P. (2010) Well-posedness of difference schemes for semilinear parabolic equations with weak solutions Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.50, No. 12, 2155-2175 (in Russian); translation in Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 50, No. 12, 2044-2063 (2010).
- Matus, P.P., Lemeshevsky, S., and Kandratsiuk, A. (2010) Well-posedness and blow up for IBVP for semilinear parabolic equations and numerical methods Comput. Meth. Appl. Math. 10(4): 395-420.
- Matus, P.P. (2013) On the role of conservation laws in the problem of occurrence of unstable solutions for quasi-linear parabolic equations and their approximations Differ. Equ. 49, No. 7 (in English); translation from Differ. Uravn. 49, No. 7 (2013).
- P. P. Matus, N. G. Churbanova, and D. A. Shchadinskii On the Role of Conser-vation Laws and Input Data in the Generation of Peaking Modes in Quasilinear Multidimensional Parabolic Equations with Nonlinear Source and in Their Ap-proximations // Differential Equations. – 2016. – Vol. 52. – No. 7. –P. 942 –950
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- Matus, P.P. (1990) A class of difference schemes on composite meshes for nonstationary problems of mathematical physics. Differents. Uravneniya, 26(7): 1241-1254. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 26(7): 911-922.
- Matus, P.P. (1991) Construction of difference schemes for multidimensional parabolic equations. Differents. Uravneniya, 27(11): 1961-1971. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 27(11): 1404-1414.
- Matus, P.P. (1993) Conservative finite-difference scheme in subdomains for parabolic and hyperbolic second-order equations. Differents. Uravneniya, 29(4): 700-711. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 29(4): 595-605.
- Matus, P.P. (1993) Conservative difference schemes for quasilinear parabolic equations in subdomains. Differents. Uravneniya, 29(7): 1222-1231. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 29(7): 1060-1069.
- Matus, P.P. and Mikhailuk, I.A. (1993) Difference schemes with variable weights for evolutionary equations of second order. Mathematical Modeling, 5(12): 35-60. (in Russian).
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- Vabishchevich, P.N., Matus, P.P., and Rychagov, V.G. (1995) A class of difference schemes on dynamic locally concentrating grids. Differents. Uravneniya, 31(5): 849-857. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 31(5): 787-796.
- Samarskii, A.A., Vabishchevich, P.N., and Matus, P.P. (1996) Finite-difference approximations of higher accuracy order on nonuniform grids. Differents. Uravneniya, 32(2): 265-274. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 32(2): 269-281.
- Samarskii, A.A., Mazhukin, V.I., Matus, P.P., and Chuiko, M.M. (1996) Invariant finite-difference schemes for equations of mathematical physics in nonstationary coordinate systems. Differents. Uravneniya, 32(12): 1691-1701. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 32(12): 1685-1695.
- Samarskii, A.A., Matus, P.P., and Rychagov, V.G. (1997) Monotone difference schemes of high order on nonuniform grids. Mathematical Modeling, 9(2): 95-96. (in Russian).
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- Samarskii, A.A., Jovanovich, B.S., Matus, P.P., and Shcheglik, V.S. (1997) Finite-difference schemes on adaptive time grids for parabolic equations with generalized solutions. Differents. Uravneniya, 33(7): 975-984. (in Russian); transl. in Differential Equations, 33(7): 981-991.
- Samarskii, A.A., Vabishchevich, P.N., and Matus, P.P. (1998) Second-order accurate finite-difference schemes on nonuniform grids. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 38(3): 413-424. (in Russian); transl. in Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 38(3): 399-410.
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- Samarskii, A.A., Mazhukin, V.I., and Matus, P.P. (1998) Finite-difference scheme on nonuniform grids for a two-dimensional parabolic equation. Differents. Uravneniya, 34(7): 980-987. (in Russian); transl. in Differ. Equations, 34(7): 982-990.
- Jovanovich, B.S. and Matus, P.P. (1999) Estimation of the convergence rate of difference schemes for elliptic problems. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 39(1): 61-69. (in Russian); transl. in Comp. Math. Math. Phys., 39(1): 56-64.
- Samarskii, A.A., Mazhukin, V.I., Malafei, D.A., and Matus, P.P. (1999) Accuracy enhancement in difference schemes on spatially nonuniform grids. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 367(3): 310-313. (in Russian); transl. in Dokl. Math. 60(1): 61-64.
- Zyl, A.N. and Matus, P.P. (1999) Efficient high-order accurate finite-difference schemes for multidimensional parabolic equations on nonuniform grids. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 39(7): 1151-1157. (in Russian); transl. in Comp. Math. Math. Phys., 39(7): 1109-1115.
- Samarskii, A.A., Vabishchevich, P.N., Zyl, A.N., and Matus, P.P. (1999) Difference scheme of second order accuracy for Dirichlet problem in a general domain. Math. Modeling, 11(9): 71-82. (in Russian).
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- Matus, A.P. and Matus, P.P. (2001) The maximum principle and its application for the investigation of stability and convergence of difference schemes. Mathematical Modeling and Analysis (MMA), 6(2): 289-299.
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- Samarskii A.A., Matus, P.P., and Vabishchevich, P.N., (2002) Difference schemes with operator factors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 384 p.
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- Matus, P. and Martsynkevich, G. (2004) Monotone and economical difference schemes on non-uniform grids for multidimensional parabolic equations with boundary conditions of the third kind. Comp. Meth. Appl. Math, 4(3): 350-367
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- П.П. Матус, Л.М. Хиеу Монотонные разностные схемы на неравномер-ных сетках для двумерного квазилинейного уравнения конвекции-диффузии // Доклады НАН Беларуси. – 2017. – Т. 61, № 4. – С. 7–13
- Piotr Matus, Le Minh Hieu, Lubin G. Vulkov Analysis of second order differ-ence schemes on non-uniform grids for quasilinear parabolic equations // Jour-nal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. –2017– Vol. 310. – P.186 –199